The European Radio Astronomy Club Mailing list

The European Radio Astronomy Club has generated as well as the Quarterly Newsletters an electronic group on the internet where it is possible to send and receive information regarding Radio astronomy on a regular basis , this is so to say our house internal post service to bring Members together all over the world with a common interest in Radio Astronomy , this e-group may be used to exchange any type of information concerning Radio Astronomy that one thinks may be of interest to others .

To get yourself onto the list it is very simple. All you have to do is to subscribe with your email address on the following site:

To send off anything to the group all you have to do is send it off to the address

To leave the group all you have to do is to unsubscribe using the same link as for subscription.

If you join the group we request and require that the first action you take is to write to the group to say hello and who you are as the group is a personal thing and it is un-polite to simply listen to other peoples conversations without introducing yourself . The List will be checked regularly.

The information on the list may not be used by any third parties .

Please visit regularly the homepage of the European Radio Astronomy Club. Comments and questions to are very appreciated. Please contact if you encounter any problems with this web site.