Membership is possible for anyone who has filled out a Membership form which is then approved by Headquarters, ERAC reserves the right to refuse membership to anyone she feels not worthy without stating the reason. Confirmation of Membership will be when you receive your first Newsletter in the post.
A membership fee of 10€ will be made Annually. The European Radio Astronomy Club (E.R.A.C. Newsletters) are the central tool of Communication . They are produced roughly Quarterly with about 150 pages . They are produced at cost price 0.05 € plus a special postage rate for printed material . Each member needs to send us money to keep his or her club internal account in good standing, the annual Membership fee will be deducted from this account together with any other sum that the member agrees to if he needs anything special to be sent. It is advised to start or stock up with a minimum of 50€ which may be sent via bank Giro to the
You are advised that if you are sending money where high bank charges will be added it is best to Purchase Euro,s locally and hide them in an old floppy disk you have broken open, this way you can send us money and avoid “Feeding” your local bank, we cannot give a Guarantee however in the long history of ERAC not once has money sent this way ever got lost the costs of registering such a letter are also not needed. Just think if you send with bank charges yore subscriptions regularly you are throwing away one third of the money into the pockets of the bankers. If ever something gets lost you have in the end still saved money .
All members will find their account balance written on a space reserved on the address sheet enclosed with each Newsletter. You are advised to stock up when your account has reached the 10€ Mark, if you are no longer in good standing you will not receive your newsletter.
If you are a young student we realise that your pocket money is restricted if we know this you will receive your newsletter if enough is on the account, this will mean that you will have to stock up regularly.
If a member becomes unemployed and has real financial problems Talk to headquarters personally, and we will find an arrangement! we do not want to loose a member due to such problems, as Unemployment could hit any of us .
ERAC would like to state that we have an active policy to support Mental or Physically handicapped persons and a Special membership agreement up to the stage of free membership may be made individually.
Members Duties
Each member agrees to Help Headquarters and other Members in any way he can “Not Financially” and to support the interests of Radio Science in General, not to discredit ERAC any member or any linked organisation. Each member must realise that he or she is when accepted part of a world wide network of Individuals interested in advancing the aims of Science .
The E.R.A.C official Language is English for all transactions (if your written English is bad that is no problem) your talents will probably be in other directions .
I Myself Peter Wright (ERAC President) and my Wife Angelika Gehrke (Vice President) would like here to take the opportunity to welcome you to The European Radio Astronomy Club in the hope that you will be very happy with us and our fine members .