A - CAD Circuit design using Sprint layout
Peter Wright
B - SMD Soldering
Peter Wright
C - Understanding S Parameters "Using Agilent S Parameter Tester Live
Peter Wright
D - Nancey
Peter Wright
Lecture (pdf)
Peter Wright
Lecture (pdf)
Official Opening
Peter Wright, ERAC President
Paul Shuch, SETI League Executive Director
Congress Program (pdf)
Congress Slide (pdf)
1 - Designing Low noise Amplifiers the E PHEMT as MMIC
Peter Wright, ERAC President
Lecture (pdf)
2 - Introduction to SETI Science and Technology
Prof Dr Paul Shuch, SETI League USA
Lecture (pdf)
3 - The Radio Telescope Mannheim Upgrade 2007- 2009
Peter Wright, ERAC President
Lecture 1 (pdf)
Lecture 2 (pdf)
4 - Welcoming address University of Applied Science Heidelberg
Dr Winterberg, SRH Heidelberg
5 - Interferometry and Circular Polarisation Measurements in Radio Astronomy
Dr David Fields, SARA USA
Lecture 1 (pdf)
Lecture 2 (pdf)
6 - Cosmic Rays the Highest Energies in the Universe
Dr Jörg Hörandel, Radbound University Nijmegen Holland
Lecture (pdf)
7 - Update from the Radebeul Radio Astronomy group
A. Großmann, U.Kunze, HG Zaunick
Lecture (pdf)
8 - The Expanding Planets.
Prof Dr-Ing Konstantin Meyl, University of Furtwangen Black Forrest Germany
Lecture (pdf)
9 - LNA Cooling
Peter Wright, ERAC President
Lecture (pdf)
10 - The Multiwavelength Galactic centre SgrA
Ms Yasmin Walter, University of Frankfurt
Lecture (pdf)
11 - The Landes Sternwarte Heidelberg (Film)
Bernhard Keil, Centre for astronomy University of Heidelberg
Lecture (pdf)
12 - Project Argus Update
Prof Dr Paul Shuch, SETI League USA
Lecture (pdf)
13 - The Optical Lunar Opposition Effect
Prof Dr Elmar Schmidt, University of Applied Science Heidelberg
Lecture (pdf)
Dipl-Ing Christian Monstein, Institute of Astronomy ETH Zurich Switzerland
ASSERT (pdf)
15 - The Noise free far side of the Moon and the Future of Radio Astronomy
Prof Claudio Maccone, University of Turin Italy
Lecture (pdf)
16 - Spacecraft Reception on 8.4GHz with a 1.8m Dish
Dipl-ing Wolfgang, Arnold Germany
Lecture 1 (pdf)
Lecture 2 (pdf)
17 - International Spectrometer Network CALLISTO
Dipl-Ing Christian Monstein, Institute of Astronomy ETH Zurich Switzerland
Lecture (pdf)
Manual (pdf)
18 - The Day the Earth stood out
Prof Dr Paul Shuch, SETI League USA
Lecture (pdf)
19 - Beyond the FFT : Extraction of weak signals from Noise plus Data Compression by the KLT
Prof Claudio Maccone
Lecture (pdf)
20 - Monitoring Solar Activity by observing Satellites
Martin Bertges
Lecture (pdf)
21 - Non-local Signal Transfer between Atomic Nuclei (Timewave Research)
Dipl.-Ing. Eckhard Kantz
Lecture (pdf)
22 - A New way of planning SETI Searches by the STATISTICAL Drake Equation
Prof Claudio Maccone
Lecture (pdf)
aa - Single Stage LNA
Torsten Bacher
Lecture (pdf)
bb - Detection of Extrasolar Navigation Beacons
Lieven Philips
Lecture (pdf)
cc - SKA
Lecture (pdf)