One of the simplest things to get started with is to monitor Jupiter on the short wave band between 18 and 28 MHz which may be done as a School project or as an Individual. To do this go please to and download the hand books for the Radiojove receiver as well as the Radiojove Antenna. This will give you the basis to do a really good project.
The antenna you may build using local components like TV Coax and wire. The splitter is a simple T piece with no electronics or phase switches in it. Simply bung everything together at best with a soldering iron and it will work ok. The Radio Jove Receiver may be purchased and is great fun to build up. I have built one and it is designed for beginners to build. If you do not want to build it you may use a short wave receiver tuned to a clear frequency near 21 MHz in AM Mode wide band. Jim Thielman is the organizer of the Radiojove project and he is happy for anyone who wants to observe too.
Please fill out the registration form and as the name of the school (Radiojove is primarily a School project) enter the "European Radio Astronomy Club" so that Jim knows where you come from. The project needs observers all over the world as of yet they are all clumped in the US. You may go also to the software lab in this web site and download the Jove Spec and the Jove chart software and with this you will be able to sample data into your computer using the sound card only. Our ERAC Jupiter Coordinator is Dr. Martin Neumann. See the button Officers of ERAC on our web page.
With the same equipment it is also possible to observe Solar Bursts . Experience has shown that it is best to go portable to go out into the countryside at a Radio Quiet Location "Away from Power lines". If you look up the University of Ohio Jupiter prediction chart from the jove web site you will be able to plan your reception chances as they give fairly good predictions as to when Jupiter is active . Try looking up also Jim Sky at Radio Sky Publications under our Partners button for a further software called Radio Pipe, Jim has also some excellent reading material about Jupiter on offer.
Have fun and good hunting
Peter Wright